Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Boyce Avenue bringing their YouTube-bred fame to EMU

Posted: Mon, Oct 17, 2011 : 4:54 a.m.

From the article:
QUOTE - [In an interview with SFGate.com. Daniel Manzano reflected on the group’s path to wide exposure via the YouTube clips.
 “We had been playing cover songs during our shows, because that’s how most bands start out, but we always had creative musical ideas,” he said. “We saw people had been doing it successfully and getting some exposure, so we thought, ‘Why not try it?’
“We got lucky,” conceded Manzano. “Our second video was the Rihanna ‘Umbrella’ cover, and somehow that just took off for us. But the biggest eye-opener for us was when we went to play four shows in the Philippines. We knew there was something there because we were getting a lot of comments in Tagalog on our videos. But we didn’t know the scope of it. It was just insanity. That was the moment we realized it had gone international.”
But when deciding which songs to cover, the group didn’t just randomly grab titles from Billboard chart.
Manzano said they wanted to “just do good songs—songs we were listening to on the radio or we had grown up with. We can pull out a certain emotional strain in a song that a lot of people might consider poppy or frivolous, like ‘Teenage Dream.’
Kevin Ransom, a freelance writer who covers music for AnnArbor.com, can be reached at KevinRansom10@aol.com.] - END QUOTE 

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